Odds and Ends

Pen and ink sketch of a very silly little white cockerel
Freshly picked blue raspberries (yes, that’s a real fruit)

I got to harvest the first blue raspberries from the plant I got several years back, and they’re a delight. It’s an old variety that can’t be sold in stores, because they bruise and go over-ripe far too quickly to survive shipping. Whether or not the flavoring in candies and drinks is actually based on the fruit is apparently up for debate, but having tasted them now I can easily believe that it was. They’re less tart than a regular raspberry, and they do have their own unique flavor, although it’s hard to pin down.

They do kind of just taste a bit blue, in the same way that blueberries do. That’s not as silly as it sounds, since the pigments that create the blue color in the skin of blueberries also contribute to their flavor, and they’re present in these raspberries as well.

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