Blue Death Feigning Beetle

A death feigning beetle sketched in black ink and gray markers

I got some of these guys a while back. They’re impressively low maintenance and entertaining pets, as insects go. As their name implies, they immediately give up and pretend to be dead when disturbed. I generally avoid triggering it, although unlike some other species it doesn’t seem to be a particularly taxing experience for them. One of them was kind enough to pose for a reference pic.

When they’re not pulling their little “woe is me, for I have perished” act, they just trundle around in their sandy habitat, irritate each other with extremely low-speed collisions, and munch on whatever organic matter has been presented to them that week. They’re scavengers, so they’re not picky.

I aspire to be this chill about dealing with things that bug me, since I know I’ll never be truly unbothered. Just corpsing it up and waiting for the source of irritation to get bored and wander away is probably a solid approach in a lot of situations, though.

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